EFAD (European Film Agency Directors association) is the voice of national European Film Agencies, bringing together national film and audiovisual agencies from European countries. EFAD membership covers the European Union countries as well as Iceland, Norway, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.
The 38 EFAD members are government or government associated public bodies, in charge of national funding for the audiovisual sector and with the responsibility to advise or regulate on all aspects of audiovisual policies. In total, the EFAD members and their governments fund around three billion Euros every year through subsidies and tax reliefs with a view to fostering the creation, production, promotion, distribution, and exhibition of European audiovisual and cinematographic works.
Our mission
European Film Agencies champion European film across different formats and platforms. Their mission is to enable local cultures and different language communities to see their lives on screen and for powerful, culturally expressive films to deeply affect hearts and minds to the benefit of the well-being of society across Europe. EFAD members promote film literacy and storytelling in support of freedom of expression and film culture to ensure filmmaking, film heritage and film as art are accessible and relevant to the many, not the few.
Having functioned over the years as informal network for collaboration, coordination and exchange of ideas on issues of common interest with regard to European audiovisual policy, the EFAD became on 9 December 2014 an international non-profit Association of the European Film Agency Directors (aisbl) established in Brussels.
All press releases
22/09/2022 : 2022 Dale! Award goes to “Six Months in the Pink and Blue Building” (Mexico)
21/09/2022 : The Ukrainian State Film Agency becomes the 36th EFAD member
13/07/2022 : Rendez-vous with European Cinema / France - Exclusive screening of “Simone, a woman of the century” in Brussels, 27 June 2022
20/04/2022 : Rendez-vous with European Cinema / Ukraine - Exclusive screening of “Klondike”, in Brussels, 19 April 2022
22/03/2022 : EFAD support to the Ukrainian film community
28/02/2022 : EFAD expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people
02/12/2021 : Rendez-vous with European Cinema / Slovenia - Exclusive screening of Beanie in Brussels, 30 November
23/09/2021 : 2021 Dale! Award goes to « Where the River Begins » by Juan Andrés Arango (Colombia)
10/06/2021 : Rendez-vous with European Cinema /Portugal - Exclusive screening of Listen in Brussels, 22 June
16/02/2021 : EFAD members discuss the priorities at European level
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