Bd Léopold II 44 | 1080 Brussels | Belgium

Slovenian Film Centre

  • Name in local language: Slovenski filmski center (SFC)
  • Country: Slovenia
  • Website: Visit Website
  • Contact:

    Miklošičeva 38, SI - 1000 Ljubljana


    T: +386 (0)1 23 43 200

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Slovenian Film Centre (SFC) is a public agency of the Republic of Slovenia which is encouraging creativity in the film and audiovisual field by creating suitable conditions for film, audiovisual and cinematographic activities.

SFC supports script and project development as well as production, promotion and distribution and gives support to minority coproductions, film festivals, film industry associations and film education.
SFC as the main institution also covers Film Commission activities and promotion of film locations and since 2017 the 25% cash rebate scheme for shooting in Slovenia.

Enterprise number BE 0599.781.484 | EU Transparency Register number: 430805515370-85