Bd Léopold II 44 | 1080 Brussels | Belgium

Calls and results 2024

  • The budget of the scheme for 2023 is 1 500 000 €
  • Two separate calls for projects were launched in the first semester of 2024:
    • The finalisation support call was open from February 21st until March 15th (here).
    • The development support call was open from February 21st until April 5th. The results will be announced end-July.

The guidelines and application form can be found here.


1st Call. The results of the first finalisation round of the 2024 European Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian Films call were announced by Jérémie Kessler, Director of European and International Affairs at the CNC. A total of 8 projects, 5 documentaries and 3 feature films, for a global amount of 400 000 € will receive support to finalization. Notably, half of the projects are directed by women.

A finalisation support will be allocated to:

Listening to the World by Yelizaveta Smith
Ukrainian production company: Tabor LTD
Production company established in Germany: Pink Shadow Films
Amount of the support: €55,000

Maidan Time Machine by Volodymyr Tykhyy, Roman Liubyi
Ukrainian production company: Babylon 13 Production
Production company based in Germany: TRIMAFILM
Amount of the support: €65,000

Silent Flood by Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk
Ukrainian production company: TABOR LTD
Production company based in Germany: Elemag Pictures
Amount of the support: €50,000

The Daughter by Egor Olesov
Ukrainian production company: LLC HEROES CREATIVE STUDIO
Production company based in the United Kingdom: UNITED HEROES LTD
Amount of the support: €30,000

The Soldier's Journey by Helena Maksyom
Ukrainian production company: PE Jeanne Maksymenko-Dovhych
Production company established in the Netherlands: Een van de jongens
Amount of the support: €50,000

Timestamp by Kateryna Gornostai
Ukrainian production company: 2BRAVE PRODUCTIONS
Production company based in the Netherlands: RINKEL DOCS BV
Amount of the support: €45,000

To The Victory! by Valentyn Vasyanovych
Ukrainian production company: Arsenal Films
Production company based in Lithuania: Čiobreliai (M-Films)
Amount of the support: €75,000

War Through the Eyes of Animals by Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi, Yuliia Shashkova, Oleksii Mamedov, Maksym Tuzov, Andrii Lidahovskyi and Sviatoslav Kostiuk
Ukrainian production company: Kleos Art Productions
Production company based in Germany: Essence Film
Amount of the support: €30,000


Enterprise number BE 0599.781.484 | EU Transparency Register number: 430805515370-85