EFAD and its members have been actively involved in the negotiations on the revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. The new text was adopted in November 2018 and it has to be tranposed by Member States by September 2020.
It includes new provisions for the promotion of European works with the objective to ensure a level playing field between all players active in Europe and in particular:
- the obligation that all video on-demand (VoD) services established in Europe offer a minimum of 30% of European works in their catalogues;
- the obligation that these services efficiently promote these works on their platforms to ensure their prominence;
- the application of the country of destination principle to financial contributions under a derogation to the Country of Origin principle. This will allow Member States to require that media service providers (both linear and non-linear) targeting their markets comply with the financial contribution obligations (levies and or investment obligations) applicable in their territory.
Guidelines on the method of calculation of the quota and on the exemption for small operators are currently being prepared by the European Commission.
EFAD will closely monitor the transposition and enforcement of this new legal framework.
News & Publications about Audiovisual regulation
09/05/2023 : Implementation of the AVMS Directive: the European film and audiovisual agencies call for more ambition.
16/04/2019 : The EFAD welcome the launch of Lumiere VOD
01/04/2019 : Mapping the different national rules for the promotion of European works – Joint study from EFAD & European Audiovisual Observatory
22/11/2018 : Audiovisual Services Media Directive: the EFAD welcome the newly approved and signed text
26/01/2018 : EFADs letter on the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD): Article 13, paragraph 5
26/01/2018 : The case for a fair, ambitious and future proof level playing field regarding the promotion of European Works in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
12/10/2017 : Audiovisual Media Services Directive: EFADs Recommendations for the trilogue meetings
19/01/2017 : Busting the Myths Behind Article 13 of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive Review
17/10/2016 : AVMS Directive - Country of Origin principle and financial contributions (levies)
07/07/2016 : EFADs Position Paper on the AVMS Directive
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