Bd Léopold II 44 | 1080 Brussels | Belgium

Targeted review of the General Block Exemption Regulation: EFAD & CineRegio raise concerns

In the framework of the targeted review of the GBER, the European Commission proposed to amend the Article 9, lowering the transparency threshold related to the obligation to publish the information about individual aids from EUR 500.000 to EUR 100.000. This change is raising strong concerns with both EFAD and CineRegio members using GBER article 54 (Aid for Film & audiovisual). It would cause enormous additional bureaucratic efforts by each granting authority in our sector. This new administrative burden will be a genuine time-consuming task and will require extra staff (or external consultants) to be hired as the reporting system works today.

Read the joint EFAD-CineRegio contribution here

Enterprise number BE 0599.781.484 | EU Transparency Register number: 430805515370-85