Bd Léopold II 44 | 1080 Brussels | Belgium

Rendez-vous with European Cinema / Spain - Exclusive screening of “Championext" in Brussels, 24 October 2023

In the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council, EFAD, the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council and the Spanish Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) proposed the exclusive screening in Brussels of the Spanish comedy Championext directed by Javier Fesser, on Tuesday 24 October at Cinema Palace. The event was organised in partnership with the European associations of the culture and audiovisual sector as well as the Spanish production company Morena Films. It was the opportunity to celebrate Spanish cinema, promote the cultural diversity objectives at European level while emphasizing the importance of inclusion in the audiovisual sector, behind and in front of the camera.

The film was introduced by Julie-Jeanne Régnault, Secretary General of EFAD. The screening was followed by a cocktail-reception in the presence of the producers of the film, Pilar Benito and Alvaro Longoria, and hundred guest from the EU institutions.

About the film

Championext” (“Campeonex”), directed by Javier Fesser and written by Javier Fesser, Athenea Mata and David Marqués, is a Spanish box office phenomenon, a follow up to “Champions” (“Campeones”). It tells the new adventure of the emblematic protagonists of the first instalment, with the addition of new stars that will give a lot to talk about. The champions' team abandons basketball and enters, by mistake and through the fault of a novice coach, the fascinating world of athletics.

Pictures ©Abraham Escobedo & Flyer invitation designed by Ana Balderramas

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