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New EFAD Board elected in San Sebastian

EFADs elected its new Board in September 2018 in San Sebastian.

It is composed of:

Ms Doreen Boonekamp Director, Netherlands Film Fund The Netherlands
Ms Jeanne Brunfaut Director General, Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Centre du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel  (CCA) and managing director of the EFADs Belgium
Mr Guy Daleiden Director, Luxembourg, Film Fund Luxemburg
Mr Peter Dinges CEO of the German Federal Film Board (FFA) Germany
Ms Chiara Fortuna International Affairs, Directorate General Cinema, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities Italy
Mr James Hickey Chief Executive, Irish Film Board Ireland
Ms Julie-Jeanne Régnault Deputy Director European Affairs, CNC France
Ms Edith Sepp CEO of the Estonian Film Institute, Vice-President of the EFADs Estonia
Mr Roland Teichmann Director, Austrian Film Institute Austria
Ms Nataša Bučar Managing Director, Slovenian Film Center Slovenia
Mr Lasse Saarinen Managing Director, Finnish Film Foundation Finland
Mr Luis Chaby Vaz President of the Board of Directors, Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual, President of the EFADs Portugal

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