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EFADs-MEDIA Roundtable Exporting outside Europe: how to better promote and distribute European films in the world?


The roundtable, organised by the European Film Agency Directors (EFADs) and the European Commission, brought together public and private actors to explore best practices and concrete solutions to better export, and for this purpose, better promote and distribute European films in the world. The discussion focused on the presence and visibility of European works outside the European Union, in theatres and online and addressed the challenges, opportunities, the actions needed. The EFADs published a paper and press release on the roundtable.

The roundtable was moderated by Frédéric Bereyziat (Deputy Director, UniFrance). Speakers included Giuseppe Abbamonte (Director MEDIA and Data, European Commission), Christian Bräuer (CEO, AG Kino and Secretary General, Europa Cinemas), Guy Daleiden (Managing Director, Film Fund Luxembourg and Vice-Chair, EFADs), Daniela Elstner (Managing Director, Doc & Film International), MEP Evelyne Gebhardt (Vice-President, European Parliament), Marianna Ibragimova (Director General, P&I Film), Martin Kanzler (Film Industry Analyst, European Audiovisual Observatory), Richard Lorber (CEO, Kino Lorber), Daniel Melamed (Executive Director, New Cinema Ltd), Roberto Olla (Executive Director, Eurimages), Lucia Recalde (Head of MEDIA, European Commission), Martin Schweighofer (President, European Film Promotion), Christophe Tardieu (Director General, CNC), Jaime Tarrazon (Federación de Cines de España), Catherine Trautmann (President, Eurimages), Loïc Wong (Director of Cinema, Institut français), and Benjamin Zeccola (CEO, Palace Films)

Press Release

Paper on the EFADs-MEDIA Export Roundtable in Cannes

European Audiovisual Observatory Presentation

Programme - Roundtable on Exporting European Works

Factsheet - The Export of European Film Outside of Europe

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