Bd Léopold II 44 | 1080 Brussels | Belgium

Audiovisual Services Media Directive: EFADs welcome an ambitious and positive step forward for the diversity of European cultures.

On 26 April 2018, the European Parliament, Council and Commission have reached a preliminary political agreement on the main elements of the Audiovisual Services Media Directive (AVMSD).

The European Film Agency Directors(EFADs)welcome this ambitious and future-proof agreement that will greatly benefit the promotion of European works in all Member States.

We also warmly thank all the EU institutions which have worked hard to reach such a result, which recalls that a Digital Single Market would be an empty promisewithout firm support for Europe’s cultural diversity.In particular, EFADs strongly appreciate the obligation for on-demand services to secure at least a 30% share of European works in their catalogues and ensure prominence of these works. We also warmly welcome the freedom given to Member States to require that all media service providers targeting their audiences contribute to the production of European works, regardless of their country of establishment. As a result, Article 13 of the AVMS Directive will establish a level playing field and an equal commitment from all market players in favour of the creation, promotion and distribution of local and European works.As European Film Agency Directors, we look forward to working constructively with Member States and regulators towards the successful and ambitious implementation of those rules. We will also continue to promote an ambitious MEDIA Programmeand the preservation of territorial exclusivityso that Europe can continue to be a driver for the creation and circulation of European works that convey the diversity of European identities

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