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EFAD welcome an ambitious budget for the MEDIA Program and calls on the European Parliament and Member States to support it

On 2 May 2018, the European Commission adopted its Proposals for a future EU budget and decided to increase by more than 30% the budget dedicated to the MEDIA Program.

Peter Dinges, President of the European Film Agency Directors (EFADs), warmly welcomes the Proposal: “The ambitious Proposal of an increased Creative Europe programme, including an especially strengthened MEDIA strand, demonstrates the European Commission’s commitment to the cultural and creative sectors. It also takes into account the specificities and importance of the audiovisual sector as well as its ability to enhancing European cultural diversity and common values throughout the Union and the world”.

In their response to the public consultation, the EFADs have underlined that a reinforced budget should strengthen performant MEDIA schemes and develop new actions, such as developing a stronger external pillar and enhancing the online visibility of European works, in line with the provisions of the new AVMS Directive.“

We thank the European Commission for this Proposal and we now call on both the European Parliament and Member States to support it. This will enable the EU, together with Member States, to foster further the creation, prominence and circulation of a diverse range of audiovisual works in the EU and beyond”, concluded Peter Dinges creation, prominence and circulation of a diverse range of audiovisual works in the EU and beyond”, concluded Peter Dinges

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